This is a note for the talk New frontiers in formal software verification spoken by Gerard J. Holzmann, software verification architect for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). He introduced a fast automatic software verification tool for distributed software system – SPIN.
After some ~30 years of development, formal software verification is still rarely used on industrial applications. A typical computer science verification proof would take 300+ of pages, much more than other mathematical proofs.
It is considered to be too difficult, and takes too long (months to years) to verify a software (like UNIX, IBM360, garbage collectors…etc.) Even in safety critical applications, software verification is often restricted to the verification of models of software, instead of software.
Goal: Make software verification as simple as testing, and as fast as compilation.
Practical software verification
Holzmann is the author of SPIN, a popular open-source software tool, used for the formal verification of distributed software systems. It has been applied at different fields:
- Commercial phone switch
- Spacecraft for Mars mission
- Flood Control
- Toyota Camry MY05
- Medical device transmission protocols
Back in 1999, SPIN can verify 4 million lines of code of phone switch system within 40 minutes. And now it is used in spacecraft system and many other mission critical softwares.
PathStar switch (1999)
SPIN was designed for PathStar switch, it is
- A commercial data/phone switch designed in Bell Labs research (for Lucent Technologies)
- Newly written code for the core call processing engine
- The first commercial call processing code that is formally verified
- After the product is released, in decades every updates of the product code was proofed in fully automated procedure
In a complex feature precedence relations detecting undesired feature interaction is a serious problem. The verification system has to deal with:
- feature interaction
- feature breakage
- concurrency problems
- race conditions
- deadlock scenarios
- non compliance with legal requirements…etc.
SPIN breaks the whole verification problem into five steps1 :
Building the model
The first step is one of the hardest part in SPIN system. SPIN is not a silver bullet that can analysis any input of C code. They designed a subset of ANSI C with some rules, to make the program as a distributed finite state machine.
For example, the following code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
can generate this FSM:
Abstraction and context of SPIN model
To verify the code we convert it into an automation: a labeled transition system. The labels (transitions) are the basic statements from C. Each statement can be converted via an abstraction – which is encoded as a lookup table. While analysing the code, SPIN doesn’t care how the C code runs, but deal with the abstracted FSM and tokenized input. This is why we call it a “model analyser.”
The context of a SPIN looks like this:
Note that the environment model is not that hard to define. You just need to declare that how many outlets of a switch: switch-to-switch, telephone inputs, the amount of switches…etc.
The linear time temporal logic formulae (LTL)
For example, a requirement statement2:
When the phone goes offhook, a dialtone should occur.
It can be expressed in LTL:
!( !offhook U (offhook /\ X [] (!dialtone /\ !onhook)) )
- U $\bigcup$ is strong until
- X $\bigcirc$ is next
- [] $\Box$ is always3
You can also express it in formal symbols:
If the requirement changed:
Assume, an $event_i$ should be added in between offhook and response
X((eventi /\ !onhook) U (eventi /\ !onhook))
In formal logic:
Once we have every thing prepared, SPIN will analysis the context using the $\omega-automation$ technique and find out in what situations will cause bugs.
Fast verification
Traditionally we uses breadth first search or depth first search to iterate the execution model for finding bugs. Since the execution is a non-determinism model, the possible paths are in exponential order thus will cause stack overflow before we find bugs.
Holzmann introduced swarm verification preparation script that can separate the problem into small pieces of jobs and can be executed in parallel.
Swarm generates a script that performs many small verification jobs in parallel, that can increase the problem coverage for very large verification problems by about an order of magnitude compared to standard bitstate verification runs. It is meant to be used on models for which standard verification with exhaustive, bitstate, hash-compaction etc. either runs out of memory, or takes more time than is available (e.g., days or weeks). Swarm uses parallelism and search diversification to reach its objectives.
The user can use a configuration file to define how many processing cores are available, how much memory can be used, and how much time is maximally available, among a range of other optional parameter settings. Based on this information, swarm generates the script that runs as many independent jobs as possible in parallel, without exceeding any of the user-defined constraints. Swarm can run jobs using local CPU cores or remote machines in a grid network.
Holzmann also showed us swarm’s performance on NASA/JDL’s code:
- 11 bugs reports (50% of total) after 1 seconds. Faster than compilation!
- 10 seconds and 90% of bugs are found.
That is truly amazing!
Human brains are not perfect. It is easy to convince ourselves something is true even it isn’t. A verification system like SPIN is not a project in ivory towel. Instead, it can reproduce critical bugs in zero-failure missions (like mission to Mars) or serious business programs.
Distributed system is a really hard problem and it is playing a important role in cloud computing and parallel systems. For now we have bunch of map reduce frameworks and no-SQL databases, but sometimes they just fails. How do we use a good algorithm to check the consistency of the data? How do we verify our model is correct? With SPIN, we can now verify the code within seconds ,and no more bug tracing at 3:00AM. :D
All the plots are generated by my graphviz plugin↩
The example is referenced from this slide↩
Check SPIN LTL reference↩